Hands On Therapy Activities, Themed Speech Therapy

Simple Speech Therapy Activity: Mittens and a Snowball

Let's face it...simple speech therapy activities are the jam!  There's little to prep and keep up with.  You don't have to manipulate 10,000 items on your therapy table.  Most of the time, you can stretch that activity to reach the majority of your clients, if not all!  That last part is a huge BONUS!  As… Continue reading Simple Speech Therapy Activity: Mittens and a Snowball

Hands On Therapy Activities

Summer, Grilling and Speech Therapy

So, it's officially summer here in Texas.  No, I don't wait for the actual "First Day Of Summer" on the calendar.  It's summer in Texas when your thighs stick to your seats in your car.  Cue the fun summer themes in speech therapy!!  I found these adorable tin grills in the dollar spot of my… Continue reading Summer, Grilling and Speech Therapy

Parent Tips

Easy Ideas for Using Valentine Cards from a Speech Pathologist

Every year, I always have leftover Valentine cards. There’s 20 kids in the class but the Valentine card companies package the cards in quantities of 32.   I’m pretty sure it’s a conspiracy of some sort but I digress. Anyway, what should you do with those leftover cards? I have some ideas for you! That’s code… Continue reading Easy Ideas for Using Valentine Cards from a Speech Pathologist

Hands On Therapy Activities

Using Mailboxes in Speech Therapy

We’ve all seen those cute little mailboxes in the Target Dollar Spot or our favorite dollar store. I know I walked by them a couple of years ago, not sure what I could do with it. Don’t worry…before I checked out, I walked back to pick up 3 (or maybe 5!) These little mailboxes are… Continue reading Using Mailboxes in Speech Therapy

Books for Speech Therapy, Language, Parent Tips

Use “Wreck this Journal” in Speech Therapy

My daughter bought a “Wreck this Journal” several months ago at a book store. I really did not know much about them. Then, she asked for another one for Christmas. So, I started looking at them. Man!!! How cool would these be to use in speech therapy?! Yes, even as a mother, I look at… Continue reading Use “Wreck this Journal” in Speech Therapy

SLP extras

Halloween’s Over! Now What Do I Do in Speech Therapy?!

Halloween fell on a Tuesday this year.  It kind of messed up my week.  My themes are each set for a whole week.  I don't know about you, but I feel weird doing Halloween activities on November 1st in speech therapy.  Thus, making my week very "unsymmetrical." (Did I seriously just use the word "thus"?!)  It's… Continue reading Halloween’s Over! Now What Do I Do in Speech Therapy?!

Hands On Therapy Activities

Pizza Sensory Bin in Speech Therapy

I had previously written a post about our pizza theme for speech therapy.  There was a quick (code: terrible picture and description) of my sensory bin.  This year, I revamped it and made it better!  Since I improved it, I figured I would write a quick blog post about it with a freebie! I started… Continue reading Pizza Sensory Bin in Speech Therapy

Hands On Therapy Activities

Nerf Guns and Speech Therapy

In honor of my son's birthday, I thought I would take one of his favorite things and use it for speech therapy.  He loves his Nerf guns as most boys his age do.  But Nerf guns could also be a super motivating item to use during therapy...as long you establish rules and keep the chaos… Continue reading Nerf Guns and Speech Therapy


Adapting Puzzles for Speech Therapy

What does SLP doesn't love using puzzles during speech therapy? Puzzles are great language enrichment tools, easily used in sensory bins and awesome hide and seek reinforcers! I love to use the chunky wooden puzzles in therapy. But then I ran across this cute little 24 piece puzzle for just $1. What would I do… Continue reading Adapting Puzzles for Speech Therapy

Hands On Therapy Activities, Parent Tips

Poppin’ Speech: Parent Tips for Practice at Home

**Please remember to provide adequate adult supervision at all times with ALL fireworks!  Please remember-do not throw the poppers at people or animals.** Independence Day is upon us.  With that in mind, I have a fun way for parents to work on speech and language skills while popping it for 4th of July.  It's real… Continue reading Poppin’ Speech: Parent Tips for Practice at Home