Hands On Therapy Activities

Summer, Grilling and Speech Therapy

So, it’s officially summer here in Texas.  No, I don’t wait for the actual “First Day Of Summer” on the calendar.  It’s summer in Texas when your thighs stick to your seats in your car.  Cue the fun summer themes in speech therapy!!  I found these adorable tin grills in the dollar spot of my favorite store last week- which spurred a new TpT product…then it snowballed into a new theme for July…and ultimately resulted in more books bought from Amazon.  Of course, there will be a new blog post in July about this new found summer theme.  Anyways, back to the grills and how to use these adorable little things in speech therapy!


I am recommending Dinky Doodads for this activity.  (No, there is no kickback to me for mentioning them.  They are just perfect for these grills!)  You could them a few different ways to address language targets.

Vocabulary in Speech Therapy

This one is pretty easy.  Pull a trinket out of the bag, have the child name it.  If he can name it, he gets to put it in his grill.  Whoever has the most in their grill wins!  You can practice spatial concepts like “in the grill,” “take it out of the grill,” or “put it beside/under the grill.”  The added bonus is you can also work on following directions this way!


Describe a dinkydoodad.  If the child can guess the correct one, he can put it in his grill.  To work on giving a description, give him 4-5 items to put in his grill.  He must describe one.  If someone can guess the item, they can put it in their grill.  I could see how this activity could easily take an entire session if you are working with a group!


You can easily work on pronouns using the DinkyDooDads and grills.  Ask, “Who has (a banana) in their grill?”  Kids can work on using “he,” “she,” and “I” to tell who has the banana or any other item.


To address articulation you don’t have to have DinkyDoodads for this.  You can use your favorite artic app or cards and some mini food erasers (I found these in the Target Dollar Spot).  Say word 5x correctly, earn a food to put in your grill.  Easy enough, right?

These are just a few ideas that I plan on using in July when I do a “summer” theme.

What else would you use them for?

Need more ideas for fun therapy activities?

Using Letterboards in Speech Therapy 

Using Coin to Grow Language

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