
To The Struggling Teletherapist

I want you to know I see you. I see your struggles. I see your tears. I even see those negative thoughts swirling around your head. I see you struggle daily in your teletherapy sessions as you try to navigate the new "normal." I want you to know I see you because I am struggling… Continue reading To The Struggling Teletherapist


Grace: Thoughts from an Overwhelmed Speech Pathologist

Texas issued the "shelter in place" about a month ago. Being considered an "essential service", I continued home visits for a couple of weeks. At the end of March, it was decided it was too much of a hazard for in home visits and I moved to teletherapy. I do not consider myself a "tech… Continue reading Grace: Thoughts from an Overwhelmed Speech Pathologist

SLP FUN!!, SLPreneuer

Thoughts from a Speech Pathologist: Teletherapy

I am glad I chose to write this post after my second week of teletherapy. If I had written it after the first week, it would have most likely been filled with **beeps**. I am not going to lie. After that first week, I was ready to cry and throw in the towel. Nothing went… Continue reading Thoughts from a Speech Pathologist: Teletherapy


Thoughts from a Traveling Speech Pathologist

In the last few days, a lot has happened in our world. Kids have lost all routine and structure that they are used to. Parents and caregivers have also lost that daily routine. Now you have parents trying to figure out the best way to help their child with school. To top it off, everything… Continue reading Thoughts from a Traveling Speech Pathologist

Organized SLP, SLPreneuer

How I Decrease Missed Speech Therapy Visits as a Traveling Speech Language Pathologist

Picture this: You got up early to plan or double check your plans for today’s sessions. Your bag is packed. Your car is loaded down with toys and other necessities for the day. You are rocking along in the morning. You pull up to your 2nd visit of the morning which happens to be at… Continue reading How I Decrease Missed Speech Therapy Visits as a Traveling Speech Language Pathologist

Organized SLP, SLPreneuer

Why I Use A Paper Planner: The Traveling SLP

A paper planner is this traveling SLP’s jam. There is nothing better than a brand new planner at the beginning of the year, just waiting to be written in. I tried the whole phone calendar thing, but I prefer to see everything written out in my handwriting with colored pens. Who else is with me?… Continue reading Why I Use A Paper Planner: The Traveling SLP


Book Review for the SLPreneur: Business Boutique

If you are thinking about starting a business, you need this book. If you are already in business, you need this book. After reading "Business Boutique," I decided every SLPreneur needs this book! I wish 8 years ago when I started Speech Chick Therapy, I had this book in my life. It's that good! So… Continue reading Book Review for the SLPreneur: Business Boutique


SLPreneur Saturday with Sparkly Speech Girl

It's that time of the month again! I am bringing you another fabulous SLPreneur who is rocking the field of speech pathology. Today, Kandice from Sparkly Speech Girl was nice enough to answer some questions for me. When I met on her IG, she was an SLP in California. But this year, she moved to… Continue reading SLPreneur Saturday with Sparkly Speech Girl


SLPreneur Saturday with Thumb Bunny Speech

I am starting a new feature this month! It's called SLPreneur Saturday and I am so excited! Each month I will feature 1-2 SLPs who are rocking it. Some will be school based SLPs with a blog or TpT store. Some may have a podcast. Others could be those brave souls who ventured into private… Continue reading SLPreneur Saturday with Thumb Bunny Speech

Antics of the Speech Chick, SLPreneuer

Chapter 8: My Journey to Private Practice

I don't think I have ever shared my full journey to private practice on the blog. I always get emails asking how I started and how did I know it was right for me. I am addressing all of those today. So buckle up buttercup! Here we go! I can't remember the exact date I… Continue reading Chapter 8: My Journey to Private Practice